40 players joined the LauttSSK rated weekend tournament at Shakkiareena on 2.–3.11.2024. The format has been the same since 2017: 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment, 4 rounds, and an extra rapid tournament for beginners on Saturday.
The group winners:
- A: Aku Salonen (Aatos) 4/4
- B: Eino Pölkki (EtVaS) 3½
- C: Caner Pisgin (HSC) 3½
- D: Stefan Wahlbäck (KäpSK) 3½
The best performance results:
- Radmir Vorobyov (MatSK) 0,79
- Vinh Do Tuong (HSC) 0,74
- Pessi Heino (EtVaS) 0,73
Each winner got a chess book or a voucher (free entry) to one LauttSSK rated tournament in 2025–2026. Konsta Kallunki (RaahLi) won a voucher in the raffle.
The full results are on the tasaselo pages.
Photos by Pasi Paasonen