14. lokakuuta 2023

Simul by Seppo Aakio

LauttSSK organized the third simultaneous exhibition this year at the Lauttasaari library on October 14, 2023. Playing as Black, a national candidate master Seppo Aakio won 6 and lost 4 games (against Huong Nguyen, Jonne Sotala, Oskari Ilkka and Andrei Vavilkin).

The participants were "beginners" who have been playing at the library. For some, this was the first long game.

Seppo played much faster than Juhani Lehti in the spring simul: the shortest game lasted only 1 hour (22 moves), and the longest one 2 hours (64 moves).

The players can analyze their games with Seppo at the library on Wednesday, October 25, at 17–20.

The next simul is planned to be played in February–March 2024.

Photo by Pasi Paasonen

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